
Olympic Culinary Loop (OCL) is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to culinary tourism development and promotion around Washington’s Olympic Peninsula.

Our web site requires a redesign to meet the aesthetics, functionality and data needs of both our consumers and industry members.

Responsive quotes and qualifications are invited. Complete RFP responses are due 4PM (PST) Monday, June 5, 2017

RFP Q&A (last updated: 5PM 5-27-2017)

Per the RFP:
Please send all questions to Steve Shively, (steve@olympicculinaryloop.com) by 5pm on 05/30/2017. All questions will be collected, answered and posted at the same URL as the RFP (http://olympicculinaryloop.com/web-rfp/) by 5:00pm on Wednesday, 05/31/2017. No individual answers will be given directly to any Web Designer.
So check back 5/31/17 for answers to this and other questions.

Current Questions & Answers:

Q1) How many bidders will be responding to the RFP (or how many have vendors has OCL contacted)? 

A1 – Unknown how many bidders will submit qualified RFP responses. OCL Board recommended just under one-dozen specific web designers to encourage RFP downloading and reply. Additionally the RFP posting was shared with culinary and web design social media platforms.

Q2) We understand that we’ll be scored on pricing. Does OCL have any budget constraints?

A2 – Yes! The OCL Board will accept responsive RFP recommendations including a phased approach of desired deliverables. Our currently budgeted website redesign funds are approximately $5,000.00 (USD)

Q3) Does OCL have a pre-existing vendor who will also be bidding?  

A3 – No website vendor currently exists.


Learn more, and download the entire RFP today.