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Industry Pathway to Peninsula membership
$435 or $40 or Monthly
Perfect For YOU!
12-months of Olympic Culinary Loop membership!
"Taste Tourist" engagement through amplification and echoing of your digital and social media mentions, including monthly "Fresh Sheet"
Education & Co-opt Advertising Discounts
"OCL Offers" B2B online Wholesale-to-Retail marketplace
Business2Business network and educational offerings, including: "Lunch & Learn" meet-ups and "Pantry Essentials" members only eNews.
Upto 5 Extra 2019-20 Culinary digital Map profile category listings.
Pathways Map + Web listing.
3 Extra images posted on your on-line profile.
Eligible for drawing of MAP itinerary listing
2x's Annually Featured Blog posts.
Various Co-opt marketing opportunities.
Option for event calendar listings
Additional business listing(s) only $140 annually, or $15/mo.