“Knowledge is Power” – Francis Bacon
The Olympic Culinary Loop (OCL) has a goal to not only to be the most delicious destination in the Pacific NW, but to support and celebrate ongoing professional development. This includes everything from important topics around customer services to mobile livestock/poultry slaughter safety and inspection.
As you continue your professional development, OCL wants to reward and recognize you!
Take a class | Attend a workshop | Teach, share, research and grow!
Fill out the OCL CE form and submit for membership discounts and more!
Start learning! Some of the OCL educational partners to explore:
Explore their Hospitality & Ecotourism Program offerings!
Long-time Olympic Culinary Loop founding board member and past president Diane Schostak passed away in March 2015. Diane was a visionary, a dedicated and tireless leader in building the tourism industry for the Olympic Peninsula, and across the state, in her nine years as the Executive Director for the Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau. Through her commitment to partnerships, she always kept her eye on the big picture, inspiring all who knew her to do so as well. Her love of the Olympic Peninsula went deep and was infectious to everyone she touched. Those of us who worked with her and called her our friend are committed to carrying on her legacy of collaboration in tourism and hospitality.
As a tribute to Diane, her family has established a scholarship fund in her name at Peninsula College in anticipation of supporting the college’s new Hospitality program. Diane participated in some of the initial planning for this new program, which is slated to begin Fall 2015. The chance to support career opportunities for the hospitality field seems a very fitting – and ongoing – tribute to our vibrant and passionate friend.
The OCL Board of Directors invites you to make a donation to the Peninsula College Foundation/Diane Schostak Memorial Fund, 1502 East Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles, WA 98362. Donations may also be made online: http://www.pencol.edu/foundation. For questions regarding any donations, please call the Peninsula College Foundation office at 360.417.6246. Thank you for your support of this exciting new educational opportunity on the Olympic Peninsula.
In addition to the Diane Schostak Memorial Fund, OCL recommends all interested learners to consider the various financial assistance offerings.
United States Department of Agriculture
Food Safety and Inspection Service
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Issues Regarding Effective Microbiological Testing for E. coli O157:H7 for Small and Very Small Plants(WMV) This seminar helps small and very small plants understand how to design an effective sampling program. |
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Industry Preparation for a Human Pandemic(WMV) This seminar discusses what a pandemic influenza is and how it spreads, the scope of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, what industry can do to be prepared for a human pandemic and informational resources. |