About Us

Olympic Culinary Loop Board of Directors open

THE OLYMPIC CULINARY LOOP is the most delicious way to experience the Olympic Peninsula. Olympic Coast Cuisine is flavored by the region’s diverse microclimates, coastal proximity, and Native American heritage.

Sustainable locally grown and harvested fruits, vegetables, herbs and berries, locally hunted game, bountiful local sea fare, and handcrafted local wines offers farm-to-table experiences with a unique sense of place.

Prepared with reverence for the local history and culture, fresh Olympic Coast Cuisine is best enjoyed amid the beautiful scenery that surrounds the Olympic Culinary Loop.

Grays Harbor
Kelly Peterson-Lalka – Grays Harbor Tourism

Mason County
Lissa James  – Hama Hama Oysters
Heidi McCutcheonMason-Shelton Chamber
Jan Morris (Vice-President) – Hardware Distillery

Jefferson County
Christina Pivarnik (Past-President) Port Townsend Marketing
Crystie Kisler (Secretary) – Finnriver Farm & Cider
Jeff Betinol – Chevy Chase Beach Cottages
Kristan McCary – Fort Worden

Clallam County
Marsha Massey – Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau
Neil Conklin,Bella Italia
Lisa Martin (President), Olympic Cellars
Tanya Rose (Treasurer), Nourish Sequim

Olympic Culinary Loop – 1-800-942-4042
PO Box 670
Port Angeles WA 98362

Jennifer Hagen (Admin Assistant) –  olympicculinaryloop (@) gmail.com,
Steve Shively (Marketing & Member Services) – membership (@) OlympicCulinaryLoop.com, 360-440-7006



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